We've all been in the situation where your Mimaki displays an error code with a number and abbreviated error code but, what are they trying to tell us? See below for the most common error codes that appear on Mimaki JV33 & CJV30 printers.

Error 01 Main Rom - The main board may be failing. Turn off the printer, wait 15 minutes, and power back on. If the error persists, replace the main board.
Error 02 Main Ram - The main board may be failing. Turn off the printer, wait 15 minutes, and power back on. If the error persists, replace the main board.
Error 03 Power +6v, +24v, +42v - The power board is malfunctioning. Check the output power for each voltage and replace as needed.
Error 04 F-Rom - The main board may be failing. Reinstall your system parameters and try to boot. If the error persists, replace the main board.
Error 06 SD-Ram - The main board may be failing. Turn the power off for 15 minutes and then power back on. If the error persists, replace the main board and then PRAM board.
Error 07 Head, Voltage - There is a short in the head circuit. Check your head cables for damage, corrosion, ink splatter etc. and replace as necessary. If the error persists, replace the print head.
Error 08 Linear Encoder: Sensor, DIR., Count - The encoder strip and/or sensor is dirty or damaged. Clean the encoder strip with alcohol and air dust the sensor. If the error persists, replace the strip and then sensor in that order.
Error 36-C Mark Detect - The mark sensor did not detect the crop marks. Make sure the crop mark settings are setup properly. Clean the sensor with alcohol and then run the sensor sensitivity adjustment. If the error persists, replace the sensor.
Error 40 Motor Alarm X - The feed motor is under too much load. Make sure there is nothing jamming the grit roller or anything that might be keeping the motor from moving such as the media being at the end of the roll and still glued to the core.
Error 41 Motor Alarm Y - The motor that moves the head back and forth is under too much load. Make sure there is nothing jamming the head or anything that might be keeping the head from moving.
Error 42 X Over Current - The feed motor is requiring too much voltage to move. Make sure there is nothing jamming the grit roller or anything that might be keeping the motor from moving such as the media being at the end of the roll and still glued to the core. Replace the motor and then main board in that order if the error persists.
Error 43 Y Over Current - The motor that moves the head back and forth is requiring too much voltage. Make sure there is nothing jamming the head or anything that might be keeping the head from moving. Clean the encoder strip and air dust the sensor first. Replace the encoder strip, sensor, motor and then main board in that order if the error persists.
Error 46 Wiper - The wiper failed to return to the home position or the sensor has failed. Check for anything that may be preventing the wiper from sliding properly, then clean and grease the rail the wiper slides on. Clean the wiper sensor with air dust and alcohol. If the error persists, replace the wiper sensor, then maintenance board in that order.
Error 50 Media Detect - The printer failed to measure the material width. Make sure the media is loaded properly. Clean the media sensor with alcohol and air duster. Run the sensor adjustment. If the error persists, replace the sensor.
Error 120 Environment Temp (Low) - It's too cold in your office.
Error 121 Environment Temp (Hi) - It's too hot in your office.
Error 144 Cartridge Set! - One or more of your cartridges are not reading properly or are the incorrect ink type. Double check that the ink is the proper kind and color. If the error persists, buy new ink or get new chips from your supplier.
Error 170 Cutter Lock - The cut tool fails to lock in the home position. Change system parameter number 37 CLKAJST to 0, power the machine off by the main power switch in the back and then power back on. This will automatically adjust the lock position.
Error 170 Print Head Lock - The print head fails to lock at the home position. Make sure the hook on the right side of the head is intact. If the error persists, replace the head lock solenoid.
Error 181 PR Position - The pinch rollers are not properly set. Make sure each pinch roller is located over a grit roller. Arrows on the printer indicate the allowed pinch roller locations.
Error 200 Head Memory - The head memory is failing or unplugged. Make sure the head memory is connected properly. If the error persists, replace the head memory cable, then replace the head.
Error 202 Device Construction - Either the head you installed is not the proper head or the head itself is damaged. Reinstall the head cables to rule it out as a possibility. If the cables don't fix it, it's usually a bad head.
ola a minha mimaki jv 33 esta dando erro 33 alguem pode me ajudar