We've all been in the situation where your ValueJet displays an error code with a number and abbreviated error code but, what are they trying to tell us? See below for the most common error codes that appear on Mutoh ValueJet printers and what they mean.

Most Common Mutoh Error Codes:
E065 PF Motor - The print feed motor tries to move forward but cannot. You need to check for anything that may be preventing the motor from moving material forward such as something jammed in the grit roller or, more commonly, the media is at the end of the roll but it's still taped to the roll preventing the motor from pulling it through!
Other than a physical jam, this error code usually means the encoder disc and/or sensor is failing or dirty.
E067 PF Encoder - Similar to error E065, this error indicates that the print feed encoder did not return the expected value to the main board when the PF motor tried to move forward. This usually means there is a jam in the system causing the motor to not move forward properly and/or the encoder disc and/or sensor need to be cleaned or replaced.
E071 PF Overcurrent - Similar to E065 & E067, this error means it took too much voltage to move the print feed motor. While this can indicate a bad motor, it's almost always a media jam or encoder disc/sensor issue.
E066 CR Motor - The motor that moves the print head back and forth tries to move but cannot. You need to check for anything that may be preventing the motor from moving the head back and forth such as a physical obstruction. It is very common for a defective head lock mechanism to cause this error especially if it happens near the docking station. More rarely this issue is caused by a dirty or poorly greased rail.
Other than a physical jam, this error code usually means the encoder strip (AKA: T-fence) and/or sensor is failing or dirty.
E068 CR Encoder - Similar to error E066, this error indicates that the CR encoder did not return the expected value to the main board when the CR motor tried to move the print head. This usually means there is a jam in the system causing the motor to not move forward properly and/or the encoder strip and/or sensor need to be cleaned or replaced.
E071 & E072 CR Overcurrent - Similar to E066 & E068, this error means it took too much voltage to move the CR motor. While this can indicate a bad motor, it's almost always a media jam or encoder strip/sensor issue.
E069 & E070 - Motor Timeout - These errors are similar to other motor errors. Clean your encoder strip and disc and check for jams.
E075 Head Cable - This error simply means the connection between the head and the main board is faulty. Check your head cables for damage, corrosion, ink splatter, or missing leads, and replace as necessary. Also make sure the cable is plugged in perfectly straight and not crooked.
E085 Head Overheat - There is a short in the print head circuit causing the head to heat up. Usually the short is caused by a damaged, dirty, or improperly installed head cable. Check your head cables and replace as necessary. Dirty terminals on the head itself can cause this as well which you can air dust to try and clean them out. If new cables don't fix the issue, it's almost always a fried head.
E082 Wiper Sensor - The wiper on the maintenance station is either not moving properly back to it's home position, or it's jammed. Make sure nothing is getting in the way of proper movement of the wiper. Clean and grease the rail it slides on. If the problem persists, the wiper sensor is probably broken which would require a new station.
E016 Many Variations - Error 16 is a general CPU error and has many versions but they all mean the same thing. If you receive this error once and it goes away, it's usually not a problem. If it pops up many times, your main board is starting to fail or is already fried.
Have the "Media End" on status display panel for a mutoh vj1324, looked through all of the manuals and could not find any reference for what is causing it. Thanks.,
Glenn Combs
Thank you for this!